Blog / Winning Business

But if I send to my database too ofter my contacts will unsubscribe, Russell Taylor


Well it’s a bit of an Urban Real Estate myth - as our data shows over the past 10 plus years, it is quite the opposite… There are a couple of important rules with this and it’s simply consistency and engagement. Many agents tend to have a scatter gun approach with their eMarketing.

However, if you are prepared to lock in and consistently deliver your message at the same time weekly, (preferably Tuesday or Wednesday) you will find your contact database will in fact become considerably stronger. It’s also important that you also engage with your contacts with meaningful information and stories other than property related material. You may wish to include a Recipe, a Quote of the Day or a Horoscope to help encourage your contact to open your Property Newsletter and scan it – this too will go a long way toward building that relationship with your contact on somewhat of a more personal level.

As real estate agents, property content with headings – “Just Listed”, “Featured Property” “Recently Sold”, “This week’s Open for Inspection” and “Available for Rent” etc. should also become an integral component of any Property Newsletter - although, if you rely solely on properties without meaningful “off topic” content, you will likely have lower Opens and Click-throughs and possibly a higher unsubscribe rate.

Top real estate performers know the value of being in front of their clients every week, because they know when their contact wakes up one morning and makes that huge decision to get into the market, the Elite Performers want to be front of mind and get the heads up!

Talk to us at iRealty and discover how eMarketing is the most cost effective means of prospecting and communicating with all your contacts every week ... and get that next Listing Lead!

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