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It's wise to be wise about technology with Sujith Cooray

With Sujith Cooray and Propertytree by Rockend

When he opened the doors of The Wise Group in 2014, Director Sujith Cooray knew that his team’s use of technology would be a key element in the growth and success of his agency. Here’s his story.

Sujith Cooray vividly remembers the moment he decided that real estate was the career for him.

“I migrated to Australia back in 2005 and on my first day in this beautiful country I was walking through a shopping centre and saw a real estate agency,” he recalls. “Then and there, I said to my wife ‘I know I can do that and I know it will be great for our lives’."

Fast forward several years, Suijith gained his real estate qualifications and started working for an agency. Nine years later, he proudly open the doors to his own agency – The Wise Group.

“We now have a team of 14 and, for the most part, we’re all out and about for a great proportion of each day meeting with clients, doing inspections and prospecting for new business,” Sujith says.

“Because we’re all so mobile, it’s essential that we have the right tools and systems in place to ensure we can deliver the best level of service to our clients. We all have iPhones and iPads, and wherever we can we use cloud-based software and systems. This means we can be as efficient and effective as possible, no matter where we are.”

"PropertyTree will definitely help us grow our business into the future."


Property management growth

Focused on building the property management arm of his business, Sujith says PropertyTree is a central element in his growth strategy going forward.

“I was initially drawn to PropertyTree because of how userfriendly it is,” he explains. “No one wants to spend hours and even days getting their head around a new software system. These days, we just don’t have the time or the inclination. We expect to be able to pick up a device or log into a system and inituitively discover how it works and what to do.

“That’s PropertyTree. Even though it’s so incredibly feature rich, you can still get started right away. And when you’re ready to dig a little deeper, there’s plenty of online training available. The online knowledge base and help system is packed with interactive videos and instructions, which means you can find the answer you’re after quickly. You can also call the friendly support team at any time.”

Pointing to the ongoing development of PropertyTree, Suijith says his team take advantage of the webinars explaining the new features and enhancements included in each monthly update.

“The best part is, we don’t have to wait around to get access to new features. Because PropertyTree is cloud based, we don’t need to worry about upgrading software. It’s always up to date and we always have access to the latest version.”


Making the most of technology

Suijith and his team know that one of the keys to success in property management is good communication. “It’s the number one thing clients will complain about,” he says. “But if you communicate with people and do what you say you’re going to do, it goes a long way.

“PropertyTree has allowed us to really step things up when it comes to effectively and efficiently communicating with our clients. We’ve been able to automate a myriad of manual and routine tasks, which has created efficiencies and also contributed to the team’s ability to communicate with clients.

“For example, we can do the bank reconciliation in the morning with the press of a button and any tenant who is late paying their rent automatically gets a friendly reminder to pay. Little things like this make our job easier and create clear lines of communication.

“We can also tailor and personalise the statements we provide to our landlords, so every client is receiving the information they want, in the way they want it.”

Sujith explains that PropertyTree’s Owner and Tenant Portal has made a big difference to the way his team communicates with clients.

“Landlords and tenants always have lots of little questions. Whether it’s a question from a landlord about the status of a repair or a tenant asking when their rent is next due, it all takes time. Now with PropertyTree, our landlords and tenants can simply log into the portal and find the information they need,” he explains. “It streamlines our processes and provides an enhanced level of communication for our clients.”

As well as the obvious benefits of the portal, Suijith says there are other PropertyTree features that have created genuine efficiencies for his team at Wise Property Group.

“End of month – which used to be a bit of a chore – is now easy,” Sujith says enthusiastically. “It used take quite a deal of time to do, but now it’s really just the press of a button. It’s that easy.

“And end of financial year is a breeze. All up, it took us about an hour – and our landlords loved it! They had their statements earlier than ever before.”


Looking to the future

Always on the lookout for new features to implement, Suijith knows how important PropertyTree is to the future of his business.

“There are still features we haven’t taken advantage of and I know that by implementing them we’ll be able to communicate more effectively with our clients and provide them with an even higher level of service,” he says.

"PropertyTree will definitely help us grow our business into the future."





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