As our marketing moves into the fourth and fifth week and we have no interest or offers to present to the owner, it is very easy as a busy agent to have misread the initial inspections and interest in the early weeks of the campaign.
For this month’s coaching tip, we would like you to add to the property’s activity plan the activity of sending a bulk SMS to all purchasers who have inspected the property with the following message:
“Dear Robyn, we are meeting with the owners of 10 High St tonight to submit all offers and interest for their consideration. Please call me today should this property be of interest. Regards ‘Agent’.”
This SMS is designed to stimulate moderate interest into active interest and in recent weeks, we have had some amazing reports from REA members with the results from using this technique, including two offers on a property that was perceived to have no interest at all.
Never underestimate the power of time-related triggers that are delivered in the emotional time for the consumer. Buyers want to end their search and need the confidence that other people are interested in a property to surface their own interest and, as with any property, that we will submit all offers at any time.
The Complete Salesperson Course in February will focus on developing a business plan for 2013. To book your seat visit