Blog / Vendor Management

List and Sell more homes in your area with the Postcode Book

postcode book

Described by Lee Woodward, Founder of Real Estate Academy, as “a brilliant solution to one of real estate’s biggest marketing challenges”, the Postcode Book is a quick, easy and low cost way for agents to build their reputation as a postcode area expert.

The Postcode Book was the brainchild of Steve Osborn and business partner, Jess Applebee, who recognised the difficulty many agents faced in being taken away from income generating activities to perform time-consuming, mundane tasks such as data collection and reporting.

As Steve Osborn said, “Real estate agents face daily challenges in trying to build relationships with homeowners and increase their market share. Becoming established as a local area expert can be highly rewarding but it can take you away from dollar productive activities.

The Postcode Book has been designed to take care of all the research, data entry and production involved in creating a comparative market analysis report, allowing agents to concentrate on what they do best – ie prospect, list and sell.”

In designing the Postcode Book, it was essential to Steve and Jess that they delivered a fast, easy and customised solution for agents.

“The Postcode Book can be ordered online by simply selecting a postcode and uploading the agent’s details,” said Steve. “Our team then builds a report that lists all the sales in the postcode area for the last quarter, including an image of every property, plus a detailed statistical breakdown. This is then presented in an attractive hardback form and delivered straight to the agent’s door.”

Importantly, the Postcode Book is not just a statistical report; it is customised for the individual agent with their image, contact details and a personal message. There is even room on the back to promote the office or the agent’s personal sales results.

“We have provided several options for the back page to be used by the agent in whichever way suits them best,” said Steve. “This includes a third option to recover the full cost of producing the Postcode Book by on-selling 6 module advertising spaces to local businesses. Not only will this assist in lowering or eliminating the cost of production, it will also provide the agent with an opportunity for building relationships in the local business community.”

For more information on the Postcode Book, visit or call Steve on 1300 590 494.


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