An emerging need in the real estate industry is to rank one’s performance against one’s peers.
‘Who are the top agents in my immediate area or across Australia?’
‘Wouldn’t it be great if I could claim to be one of the very best agents in this industry!’
The problem is, we work in such diff erent markets and in diff erent price ranges so it’s virtually impossible to achieve a level playing fi eld. Not only that, it’s so diffi cult to get precise and accurate independent information about who are the achievers. There is no recording of individual salespeople performance by independent statistical organisations. There is no independently assessed list of who has achieved the greatest fee income – remembering that sale price does not necessarily refl ect fee income. Sometimes great sales are achieved – yet no fee was ever received!!
It’s been a vacuum. But people do want to know and organisations have sought to satisfy that need. Real estate groups seeking public listing need to be able to make some statements on so many issues – not least, how does the calibre of their people compare in the industry?
One such answer has been provided by Real Estate Business Online. Agents and businesses are invited to nominate with a supporting endorsement of their results. But what of the people who don’t subscribe? Some of them are quite brilliant. And how accurate are the claims that are made by those individuals? Is there a more transparent and independently verifi able way to establish who is in the lead?
And what should be the criteria? (Presumably an annual focus is the most appropriate.) Would it be the number of listings? The value of those listings? The number of properties sold? The value of properties sold? Or the total commission income directly achieved by that individual? All yielding diff erent results!! It’s so hard to be precise. It is a discussion that we in this industry should initiate and lead the debate.
The Ray White Group was the inaugural winner of the EY Family Business of the Year award for Australia