Blog / Winning Business

Rapid response SMS by Justin Cardillo

Use ‘Robot Marketing’ to automate your SMS communications saving your practice time and money ($)

According to Justin Cardillo (Sales and Marketing Manager @IntelliSMS and a leading mobile marketing consultant to the RE Industry), introducing “Robot Marketing” into your RE practice represents the cheapest and most time-efficient method of customer communication .

Justin explains, “Robot Marketing is a term used to define pre-scheduling via automation of your SMS communications using Intelli’s SMS gateway.”

Simply put there are two options with SMS communications:

1. Automating the sending of outbound SMS communications – This allows RE practices to schedule the sending of SMS reminders in advance. Sales agents can now schedule on Friday afternoon a text message to be delivered on a Saturday morning reminding clients of an open house or an auction time for example. Property managers can pre-schedule SMS reminders of rent due dates also by way of example.

2. Automating the SMS replies to an inbound SMS communication – This allows RE practices to automate replies to inbound SMS enquiries 24/7. Justin states, “This form of automated SMS is proving to be a big hit amongst RE agents as it allows them to send information back (to an inbound SMS enquiry) to a potential buyer around the clock and gives the impression the agent is a modern agent with a strong work ethic.”

SMS communication is a must for all RE Practices and ‘Robot Marketing’ automates the process and frees up an agent’s time to do what they do best: list and sell property.

To discuss how to introduce SMS Robot Marketing into your RE practice, please contact Justin directly on 0468 884 606 or


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