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Stan Platis, Information Vault The Key To Success

Stan Platis, Information Vault The Key To Success

There was once a time when learning a new topic or brushing up on your skills meant hours pouring over books at the library or enrolling in a training course. However technology has changed the face of training.

Now those interested in personal development can choose from reading, listening, watching and participating to suit their personal learning style while at their desk, walking along the beach, in the car or relaxing in a comfortable lounge chair at home.

Real Estate Academy (REA) has offered these flexible learning options to its members for years, but has now made it even easier to get started in the industry or target the right topic by developing The Complete Real Estate Success Program.

Information Overload

The raft of material covering the length and breadth of the real estate industry over so many years could seem daunting to new REA members, so the new Success Program helps agents quickly find exactly what they need.

In the words of Independent Property Group (IPG) Strategic Development executive director Stan Platis, the sheer amount of information available to REA members is like “a vault”.

“I was just overwhelmed by the amount of information. The Vault has got more ‘gold’ in it than Fort Knox,” Stan laughs.

“You realise that it had to take years [to create] between the interviews, knowledge and experience that was available.”

Knowing that the volume of information contained in REA’s training resources - or vault - could seem daunting to agents who didn’t know where to start, Stan suggests a system that “joins the dots”.

Developing the training system

Stan’s initial phone call to REA CEO Lee Woodward led to a series of meetings where he worked with the Academy staff to map out his vision of what such a system would look like.

“It’s really enhanced my vision of trying to give something that will engage someone who’s interested [in joining real estate or learning more about the industry],” Stan explains.

“This program will be a blended learning system that you can start at point one, engage with point four then go back to one and on to three. This is your road map; it’s like Google Maps for the real estate world.”

Self-paced learning

REA has now distilled all its relevant training materials in building the Success Program. This program contains 10 modules featuring audio and video interviews, scripts, letters, templates and documents that can be covered numerically from beginning to end or used when needed as a topic crops up.

Audio and video interviews include advice from more than 500 industry experts such as Mat Steinwede, Sue Maloney, John McGrath and Amber Werchon. Designed for those new to the industry, the Success Program is just as relevant for agents needing to hone their skills further or looking for inspiration from leading agents.

The 10 modules cover:

  1. Onboarding,
  2. Activation,
  3. Systems and Infrastructure,
  4. Building Your Database,
  5. Lead Generation,
  6. Lead Conversion,
  7. Client Fulfillment,
  8. Established Clients,
  9. Leadership and
  10. Partnership

and they cover the information needed to assess whether real estate is the right career, through to setting up your own real estate business.

Beta testing

Once the program has been designed and the modules populated with resources, Stan will call on his team at IPG, along with Laing+Simmons and Peter Blackshaw Real Estate agents to test the system and iron out any sticking points.

Stan believes having access to such a vast resource can only be a good thing because it can be used to train existing agents, inspire industry leaders and also recruit new blood. “It’s going to challenge and re-engage people in our industry. This could be the change our profession needs,” he enthuses.

“A leader wants to become a better leader and wants to recruit great people because that’s the single biggest challenge in our profession. Great people need to be taught and need to be given the roadmap that the Complete Real Estate Success Program will deliver,” he says.

John F Kennedy famously said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other,” and this program enables real estate professionals to continue developing and refining their skills and uncover their leadership potential.

The Complete Success program is available to all REA members and will be launched in March. To find out more visit or call Cristian Orrego on 0418 167 418.

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Stan Platis, Information Vault The Key To Success