Blog / Leadership

Vale REA Family

Russell Taylor June Newman

Russell Taylor

After an incredible career in selling, leadership and innovation we are sad to announce the great Russell Taylor has departed the industry and the earth.

He will be remembered for all his kind knowledge that he imparted onto thousands of agents who benefitted from his in-depth marketing knowledge.

Russell was the CEO of iReality and we pass on our condolences to his family and team.


June Newman

For those of you who received the incredible sales calls from June Newman, we also say farewell as she passed away this year.

June was a great example of a professional salesperson who had the passion to communicate, inspire and follow through like no other. June’s interview on the Real Estate Hot Topics program was a favourite for many agents around the country to clearly demonstrate that age is but a number.

Our condolences to June's family including our journalist Mandy Newman.


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Russell Taylor June Newman