Program Overview
Welcome to Zero to 500 Property Managements!
In this in-depth 10-session program, Lauren Robinson draws on personal experience to take you on a structured journey, from how to establish a quality property management business and selecting your ideal client, to achieving sustainable growth and becoming known as an expert in your field.
Whether you are new to property management or you’ve been managing a rent roll for years but are struggling to understand how to make a return from your investments and improve your bottom line, this program is for you. It will help you build and grow your rent roll and see month-on-month growth for sustainable long-term success.
About Lauren
After more than fifteen years in property management, Lauren is even more passionate about the sector today than she was when she first started. Today she is the Principal Licensee of her own business, Rental Results in Brisbane, which she started from the ground up and built to over 500 properties under management within five years.
Passionate about helping other property management business owners grow their rent roll, Lauren now also works as a marketing specialist, drawing on a combination of experience and her tertiary business and marketing qualification to help other property management business owners build their rent rolls and become more profitable.
Lauren has won multiple awards, including 2019 Property Management Agency of the Year and Best Social Media and Website for 2019 and is a prolific blogger, vlogger (video blogger), speaker and author of, Rented, a book for first time property investors.
Learning your way
Each session features a blend of audio and text-based learning styles, allowing you to learn your way and in your own time. Whether you prefer to listen to the audio, read the text or a combination of both, the choice is yours.
The program also includes:
- A Mapping Process to give you a benchmark to work towards and a means of measuring your entry level.
- Visual content, including video and slides.
- Links to associated resources to assist you on the job.
- An option to submit and share your key learnings.
- An option to submit questions.
The sessions
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Personality
- Brand Story
- Social Media
- Loyalty Marketing
- Target Marketing
- Differentiation
- Content Marketing
- Become an Expert
- The 1-page Marketing Plan
The deliverables
- On completion of this program you will have the knowledge and skills to grow your rent roll from zero to 500 and build a sustainable, profitable business that keeps growing year on year.
- You will also have a tailored marketing plan with clear objectives and defined goals for your business.
- Last, but not least, you will be equipped with the tools and resources to build your brand strategy, content marketing and social media calendar.
You will learn:
- The 10 elements of a brand strategy.
- How to utilise Lauren’s Brand Strategy Guide to determine your own unique brand characteristics.
- How to determine, define and share with your team your brand personality and brand story, including the dress code, the language and tone and the overall brand experience.
- How to identify your ideal client (target market), their pain points and how to solve them.
- The resources that will help you dig deeper to learn more about your target market and how best to trigger their interest.
- Why it is important to study your main competitors and what to do with that information.
- How to determine and define your Unique Selling Proposition (your point of difference) and how to communicate that to your ideal client.
- Which social media platforms are best for your business and how to identify and reach your target audience online.
- The value of the loyal client, how to look after them and how to build your loyal client base.
- How to write a list of frequently asked questions that relate specifically to your target market.
- The importance of content marketing, how to plan an annual content marketing calendar and write a professional blog.
- The value of being seen as an expert in your industry and how to achieve that objective.
- How to write a marketing plan for your business.